
Balance Training Events and Shows

Below you can see some of the past trade shows and events we attended. They were all super fun. It was great to be able to demonstrate and meet new Si Boarders. Lately, we have been focused on manufacturing our product line and creating educational content. Unfortunately that leaves little time for us to attend trade shows and events.

It is quite a site to see us set up our safety demo rail and display our product line. Our equipment is large, heavy and, as you know, the complex combinations means we have to bring it all! Somehow we manage to squeeze it all into the trade show booths. There is always a long line to try one of our boards and we insist on doing it safely with a secured rail to hold onto while we spot you. By the end of the day we have actively demonstrated, spotted and talked the entire time. It is a significant investment to attend a trade show with the amount of equipment, staffing and booth fees.

As a small company that puts customer service, local manufacturing and quality control at the forefront, we are focused on being able to serve you well. Although we miss seeing you at trade shows we believe at this time to invest in meeting your needs. Send us an email or give us a call at any time and we will happily answer your questions.


Elysia Tsai


International Surfing Day in Huntington Beach, California

August 1-3, 2014 in Oceanside, California. Friday through Sunday 10-4.





Los Angeles Convention Center
February 8-9, 2014


January 31- February 2, 2014


Los Angeles Convention Center
January 25-26, 2014


OC Roller Derby

University of California, Irvine. Elysia demonstrates for the Athletic Training students.

Long Beach Poly High School. Elysia demonstrates for the the Athletic Training students.

West Coast Sports Medicine Foundation. Elysia and June Caponpon demonstrate for their Certified Athletic Training colleagues.