What's In A Slogan?

It's a Sunday afternoon and I just got back from walking Pepper. Funny things running through my mind as I think about the past decade and how Si Boards has evolved. For days I've had laser pinpoint focus to cross off "to do" list items for business building.I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the slogans over these years. Some are well known and others are in the back of my mind keeping me motivated to stay true to core values.

Breaking The Rules

2005 - When I had this crazy idea for a multi-direction balance board and an even crazier idea to try and invent and bring it to market- Breaking The Rules was always at the forefront. We had so many barriers to manufacturing, marketing and people seeing the "wow" factor. We kept on pushing and eventually succeeded in making a solid urethane ball and kept all of our vendors local to California. Some sports medicine colleagues saw the potential, but most thought it was too difficult for their clients. And we were told there was limited room in the market for another balance board company.

I was always one to push the boundaries and see how creative I could make injury rehab with athletes. I am more free flow than sticking to standard protocols with reps and sets and 5 recommended exercises. This has carried over to bringing Si Boards to life. There was way to make it work and we found it by respectfully Breaking the Rules of tradition.

Jump Into The Next Generation

2007 - We created the next generation in balance training boards and medicine balls. We created free unfixed pivots and solid urethane balls to ride. And we made them unbreakable! We asked the Si Boarders to make the leap from a standard wobble board and a moving cylinder to a free 360 degree ball.

Si Boards is also the only balance board company built on the basis of injury prevention and sports performance training. I have never claimed to be a surfer or snowboarder. My athletic background is traditional with volleyball, basketball and javelin throwing. My professional background is purely sports medicine based to address injuries, movement mechanics and return to play rehab. Board sport athletes naturally took to Si Boards before traditional sports. I know it was a big leap to ask athletes to trust in our products when I don't have the action sports background. I am passionate about helping you succeed with a sound body and invite you to jump in with me and create something great.

Si Boards... Popular Everywhere but the USA

2008 - The US economy was struggling and people need to buy gas and groceries vs balance boards. We shipped a lot internationally and had very limited sales in the USA. I started working with the US Soccer Federation and put Si Boards on hold for a bit. We still had sales and it really does impress me that Si Boarders dug deep into the pages and pages of internet searches to find a balance board that would meet their needs. I am so glad they did because it kept hope alive within me.

No Hype... It's Just Real

2013 - Si Boards definitely is not a flashy company. I am straight forward, honest and transparent. I laugh at the simplicity of our videos, our posters and instruction sheets. Elementary in design from the beginning and not much has changed. I use iMovie on the standard settings to create the videos and add the goofball moments in there. That's me- no super model body or lightning bolt special effects. I'm focused on creating the best, the most effective and the most versatile product line for you

If It's Not Complex... It's Not Si Boards

2015 - Believe me, I know how complex and confusing and mind spinning the process is to find the right board and ball combinations. Si Boards is not "one size fits all". It's my goal to offer you products built for your specific needs. And that creates a menu more complex then trying to make sense of your cable bill. Add the instruction manual with pages of picture after picture making you wonder where to even begin with a training program. Believe me- I know. And that is why I will always answer your phone calls and emails to help you find the right products for your needs.

In a nutshell- we are creating a one time investment product line that will last. We aren't interested in making products that you throw in the corner never to use again. You won't have to continue to buy the same ball because it breaks. Jump Into the Next Generation with Us, Break the Rules and start something Real- Just make sure it's Complex. ;-)

Keep On Rocking / Rock On / Woo Hoo / WooooW!

2016 - Si Boards is rocking and rolling! I have my shop all set up with a demo area in the back, the big red and black logo proudly displayed on the wall, an organized shipping area of inventory, works in progress all lined up and and my manufacturing area ready to be plugged in. It's a small shop but just what I need to stay in budget and focus on quality control. Everything is on wheels and space is easily created. We can do so much in our space!

If you see our social media or YouTube you will see me jumping into videos, screaming in excitement and giving the Rock On sign. I am proud to have come so far from a garage prototype to a polished product line that has been shipped all over the world. And that is much in part to your enthusiasm, your support and your dedication to being an awesome Si Boarder. Thank you Si Boarder for making my dreams into reality! Keep on rocking. See you soon on video where I scream out WOO HOO!