The Most Reactive Board for Agility Training:
The Vortex is a swirl of energy that surely translates into your ride style and training! This unique hybrid board features a long narrow shape with our narrow Skate rail. This combo creates a very fast front to back movement transfer and abrupt direction change as the rail hits the ball. That energy moves up your body and requires core stability and fast reactions to control your upper body. The small rail allows you to lift your heels and ride with just your forefoot and toes on the board. Perfect for athletes who routinely train fast feet and ability to overcome opposing forces from your opponents like boxing, martial arts, football, soccer, tennis and dancers.
Fun For Everyone In the Family or Gym:
As a beginning balance board, the Vortex is perfect for getting your core stimulated without feeling overwhelmed by a lot of board motions like our larger Si Boards. Awesome size for small feet, growing kids, families and multiple users. You will enjoy taking this outside or on your next trip since it is compact and easy to pack. Everybody get ready for your next core challenge! Priced just right, sized for travel and easy training outdoors and as an entry for beginners and the ultimate challenge for advanced riders. The pressed Maple ply gives the board incredible strength, continuous rocker and a fun
Vortex and the Vortex Junior. Differences:
The Vortex comes in two different board thicknesses. Both are pressed maple ply from our USA skateboard manufacturers. The Vortex is 3/4 inch thick with 13 ply maple and have incredible strength for heavier riders up to 400 pounds. The Vortex Junior. is our lighter and thinner board with 7 layers of pressed maple ply. This board is suited for kids and smaller riders under 100 pounds. The Vortex Junior. is easier to maneuver for smaller riders and will flex if a heavier rider stands on it.
Get Started Here:
Create your own unique combo with this board. Add the Balls and Half Balls that meet your training needs.
3" Mini Balls:
The 3" Mini Balls are the best combo to get your multi-direction balance training started. Sized just right with the narrow board and continuous rocker for a fast and smooth transition from left to right. Front to back ride space is just enough for a comfortable ride for beginners with a gentle movement flow. Also super challenging for advanced riders when moving with strong and purposeful exercises. Use one ball for multi-direction riding or two for ultimate front to back challenge in your sport stance.
5" Vortex Half Balls:
The 5" Votex Half Ball has great height for a lot of board tilt and foot coordination fine tuning and to use as a slant ankle stretching board. Designed to fit inside the narrow rail and hug the straight edges of the rail for tricks and spins. Use one for a Wobble Board tilting in all directions. Use two Half Balls to create a Rocker Board that tilts in 2 directions and as an easier start to learning balance. The Vortex Half Balls are specialty designed with a recessed area so you can place the 3" Mini Balls inside and create the Thrasher or Rock and Roll Combos.
Customize Your Balance Board!
All Si Boards Starter Boards come with an adjustable urethane rail. All parts are interchangeable with the same interlocking joint system. Starter Boards come with a smaller rail compared to the Original Boards and give you the option to extend your rail to the maximum ride space. Progress or regress your ride space based on your skills.
Can I Use 4" Extensions?
Nope, sorry there is not enough room to add 4" Extensions. As you progress you can remove the rail and place it on a larger board with 4" Extensions.
Can I Shorten The Rail?
Yes, you can shorten the rail. This Vortex board comes with 8" Extensions for a total rail length of 20". You can remove the 8" Extensions and create a 12" rail. You can also change the 8" Extensions to 4" Extensions and create a 16" rail. You will need to drill a new hole pattern if you want to shorten the rail.
I always wanted to create a board I could affectionately call the ankle buster. When I rode our Skate rail on an actual skateboard deck I noticed how activated my feet and ankles were and how they felt strong after training. I busted through any weakness and I knew I had to create the perfect board for everybody to bust through their weakness too. The Vortex was a long time in the making and it certainly is a fantastic part of our lineup. movement transition. I love spinning a 180 or 360 on this board. At times I ride with just my forefoot and toes on the board instead of my whole foot- what a super ankle strength challenge! It definitely forces me to focus on better body mechanics. Enjoy everybody!
Si Boards are built for ultimate exercise versatility, skill progression and to be your everlasting balance board system. Our Starter Boards are a great introduction to balance training for beginners, training on the go and as a fun family activity. You will create a truly functional exercise program using our Balls and Half Balls.
Si Boards 6 x 6 Matrix of Versatility for Infinite combos: click here
Si Boards 16:1 Balance Boards unique combos: click here
1. Rocker Board: 2 Half Balls
Place Half Balls flat side up for faster tilt. Using two creates a Rocker Board that tilts in 2 directions - Left and Right for example. The farther the Half Balls are from one another, the more stable the surface. You can place them very close together for more challenge. This is great for holding a position and rocking the board left and right to activate your muscle coordination.
2. Wobble Board: 1 Half Ball
Place 1 Half Ball under your board and it will tilt in all directions and allow you to twist the board. Place in the center for an equal weight distribution. Place to the side and you will activate the side directly over the Half Ball. This is great for developing strength on one side if it is weaker or unable to function the same after an injury.
3. Single Pivot Board: 1 Half Ball and 1 Ball
Place 1 Half Ball under the left side of the board and 1 Ball under the right side of the board. The left side will tilt front to back and the right side will pivot or slide forward and backward. A great progression to learning how to activate hip rotation on a moving board on one side of your body.
Best set up: 3" Ball and 6.5" Half Ball or 5" Ball and 8.5" Half Ball
4. Double Pivot Board: 2 Balls
Use 2 of the same sized ball under your board to activate each side in rotation. Placing the Balls close is more difficult. You will get multi-direction motion without the extreme tilting from left to right feet. A perfect combo for advanced skills like surf pop-up, quadruped, deep squats and adding difficult upper body battle rope exercises while maintaining balance.
5. Multi-Direction Board: 1 Ball
The heart of the Si Board is riding on 1 Ball for a multi-direction platform. The freedom to move left/right, front/back, twist, diagonal, clockwise/counterclock and 360 spins all at the same time. This is the most advanced balance board skill to learn fine motor skill and full body awareness.
6. Rock and Roll: Small Ball inside of Half Ball x 2
Placing a small Ball inside the Half Ball creates two moving surfaces. The small Ball rolls around inside of the Half Ball. The Half Ball is placed flat side up and creates a rocking or wobble motion. Four moving surfaces that keep you level and don't allow the board to roll to extremes. You feel all surfaces continuously knock into each other abruptly. Perfect for deep stance endurance simulating rough water and windy conditions.
Use these combos:
7. Thrasher: Small Ball inside of Half Ball x 1
Placing a small Ball inside the Half Ball creates two moving surfaces. The small Ball rolls around inside of the Half Ball. The Half Ball is placed flat side up and creates a rocking or wobble motion. Two moving surfaces that give you extreme tilts in all direction with slight board rolling. Perfect for holding your push-up position against an opponent and a narrow squat with very quick foot reactions.
Use these combos:
8. Ball Big Drop: Medium Ball fixed tight inside a large Half Ball
Wedge a Ball inside the Half Ball so that the two parts do not move. You have two different sized balance points and this gets you up high off the ground. You will teeter/hover around and just as the Half Ball gets to the edge you will feel a fast drop to the ground. Reaction to this feels like a sudden drop and being able to control landing on you sport board.
Use these combos:
Children should always be supervised. Use safety googles and equipment with proper tool use.
Click here to see the Rail Extension Instructions
Remove The Rail:
Marking The New Holes With Paper Template:
Marking the New Holes Using The Rail:
Attaching The Rail:
Board Features:
Rail Features:
Ride Stance:
Board Weight:
Weight Limit:
Suggested Skill Level:
Riders 3' to 4':
Riders 4' to 5'4":
Riders 5'4" to 6':
Riders 6' and Taller:
3" Mini Ball:
Suggested Half Balls:
Who Should Use This?
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Rail Extensions give you more ride space click here
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