MMA Training

MMA Training Exercises For Balance and Core Strength

Xtreme Couture MMA Training PDF

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Download our PDF training guide and see 11 pages with over 150 instructional pictures for your MMA Training. Featuring professional fighters and coaches Gil Guardado, Ryan Couture and Bryce Harley from Xtreme Couture MMA in Las Vegas.


This sequence is also available on our free Mobile App.

Topics include:

  • Chest Strength
  • Trunk and Hip Drive
  • Rotation Strength
  • Trunk Control
  • Leg Control
  • Upper Body Stability
  • Hold Down Opponent
  • Control Opponent
  • Shoulder Stability
  • Tight Elbow and Knee
  • Move Around Opponent
  • Push Off Mat to Stand
  • Posterior Shoulder
  • Arm Rotation
  • Pelvic Control
  • Hip Control Punch
  • Strong Glutes and Back
  • Strong Glutes and Chest
  • Power Punch from Mat
  • Push Against Opponent
  • Strong Spine and Lunge
  • Strong Spine and Squat
  • Weight Transfer
  • Taking Impact
  • Strong Neck
  • One Foot Balance
  • Kicking Power
  • Strong Step and Punch
  • Hand Eye Coordination
  • Movement Transfer
  • Drop to Mat
  • Jump to Feet
  • Xtreme Couture MMA Training
  • Johny Hendricks MMA Welterweight Champion
  • MMA, Boxing and BJJ Balance Training in the Gym
  • Hook Up Your Resistance Bands and Lets Kick Like Crazy
  • Balance Training For Fighters and Combat Sports

Xtreme Couture MMA Training

Video Transcript - Click Here

0:40) Hi, my name is Gil Guardado, Xtreme Couture head strength and conditioning coach, here to talk to you about Si Boards. Ever since we started using Si Boards in training our athletes and getting ready for our fights, we’ve noticed an improvement in shoulder stability, improvements in core stability. (1:36) We’ve noticed a decrease risk of injury when it comes to shoulder problems, back pain, hip issues. Our fighters have gotten stronger. They’ve gotten more stable. They’re hitting harder .


(2:48) The big thing that we do with the Si Boards is that we do a lot of pushup progressions and a lot of core stability. Using the boards, we put fighters in situations to where they have to really concentrate on stabilizing their midsection. Really drawing in the abdominals and stabilizing their lumbar spine while their arms in their legs are constantly moving very similar to situations they’re going to find themselves in a fight. Our push up progression series is one of the huge things that we implant with a lot of our fighters. We use a lot of push-ups in their training anyway so it becomes a very easy transition to take them from doing pushups on a stable surface like the ground and then transitioning them onto an unstable surface like the Si-Boards. Really trying to ramp up the intensity of their training using these boards

(4:19) From a personal standpoint, from when I use these boards in my own training and I’ve noticed a huge difference in my shoulder stability. I’ve had a lot of shoulder issues for years. I’ve got a lot less shoulder pain, a lot less back pain, because of the instability component that is involved with using the boards. I feel a lot stronger. I’m moving a little bit better. I feel a lot more stable in my entire body and not just my midsection. I think they’re a fantastic tool for anyone to throw into their training program if you want to really, really take your training up a notch.

(4:50) My name’s Ryan Couture. I fight for Bellator in the lightweight division. I’m 135 pounds, I’ve been training in MMA now for I think about eight or nine years and competing for six. Over that time I’ve done a lot of different strength workouts and had a number of different strength conditioning coaches and one thing that they all tend to commonly focus on is a lot of core stability and part of that is different push-up progressions and variations. I think my favorite one so far I’ve come across is the Si Board. I think it’s just a very, very different approach, a very versatile tool. We’ve been able to really up the difficulty and make a lot of progress in those progressions and core work, and also that push-up notion that I haven’t been able to accomplish with other tools that I’ve used.

(5:45) Hi, my name’s Bryce Harley. I train out of Xtreme Couture here in Las Vegas, Nevada under Gill Gaurdado and Randy Couture. I’ve been using Si Boards for about two years now, and it’s one of the greatest variations in my workouts that I’ve ever seen. In anything you want to do: holding planks, pushups, any kind of variation on just completely engaging your stabilizer muscles, your core, or if you just ever want to get the beach body. Even if you’re not a fighter, you don’t want to get in the cage and get beat up, just want a nice six pack, Si Boards are the way to go. People are going to see you at the beach and they’re going wonder you’re doing. They won’t even know what you’re doing. They’re going ask you, and you tell them, “Si Boards.” That’s all you have to say. I have a couple injures from wear and tear from my fighting, a couple spine issues, but with the Si Boards, it’s been engaging all of my stabilizer muscles in my back and is helping me strengthen my core. Really, it’s been helping out on easing my pain. You don’t have to push yourself too hard, but push yourself just enough. So a lot of times, if I really want to push myself when I’m doing push-ups, I’ll grab the Si Board, grab one of the balls, if I really want get wild, I’ll put my feet up on a box, and I just literally go until I have muscle failure. Sometimes I’m crawling out of the gym, sweats pouring, I have nothing left, my stabilizer muscles are shot, my arms are shot, and everything. This will push you to the max if you really want to take it to the next level, invest in one of these right here.

(7:22) Bryce Harley, number one fan and Xtreme Courture MMA, we wish all the luck. Big thanks to Gill, Ryan, and Bryce from Xtreme Couture MMA in Las Vegas. For more information, check us out at and jump into the next generation.

Johny Hendricks MMA Welterweight Champion

Video Transcript - Click Here

0:01) Johny Hendricks is training on his Si Board. He’s using the Turbo Original with a 5” Ball. Check out what he has to say about balance training and fighting.

(0:10) Hi, I’m Johny Hendricks. I’m up here at Oklahoma State doing some wrestling. I’m about to do a late night workout and get a good warm-up with my Si Board. It’s an easy workout, yet fun. Balance is always the number one key for fighting, and this definitely does it. I’m still bringing my traveling board to improve on balance. Wrestling and balance are one, so I think that’s a big thing. Also, it’s an easy core exercise, but fun.

(0:48) When Johny’s training at home he uses the Commando Board, 8.5” Ball and 6.5” Ball. For more information on Johny, check out Team Takedown (

MMA, Boxing and BJJ Balance Training in the Gym

Video Transcript - Click Here

Elysia Tsai, M.Ed., ATC and June Caponpon ATC take you through balance training and rehab exercises. As athletic trainers our job is to keep athletes healthy. These are a few moves we would use to help a combat sport athlete return from injury and get back in the ring.

Using a Si Boards balance board helps accelerate rehab progress by recruiting more muscle activation, increasing body awareness, better core control and realistic training. We are using the Freestyle Original, 8.5" half ball and 6.5" balls.

(0:16) Using a center placed half ball creates an equal weight distribution. This is a great general movement prep to get your balance. Add squats to warm up through your entire range of motion.

(0:26) To improve your balance as you step forward and punch, move the half ball to the front of the board to create weight distribution on the front leg. Simulate a strong first step and punch with balance. To advance this exercise, fine tune the coordination between both feet and keep the board off the ground.

(0:41) To improve your balance as you step backward and your body weight moves backward, move the half ball to the back of the board. This concentrates the weight distribution on the back leg.

(0:51)To advance these moves add bands to the board and get shoulder stability and strength.

(0:59) Take it more complex using a centered half ball and bands. Take your training partner's leg and simulate pulling him through the ring. I take June's leg and control it as I punch at him. Keep your hands in front of you to simulate protecting your face.

(1:06) In the reverse position stand on the board and have a training partner hold your leg. Maintain your balance and prevent getting pulled. Add a squat and duck from getting hit. Keep the bands in your hands to strengthen your shoulders and spinal stability at the same time.

(1:16) Next, maintain your balance and postural control as you take impact from being punched or kicked. Being on a balance board helps you coordinate all muscles at once so when you are doing it in the ring it becomes naturally easy.

(1:29) Next we add more specific upper body and core strengthening moves as you move around your opponent. Get into a push up position on the balance board and move laterally. Move in a circle and simulate being on top of an opponent quickly. Add push ups with each move.

(1:39) Stay in the push up position and rotate the left leg under your body and to the right side of your body. This spinal rotation helps strengthen your shoulders and spine stability.

Using a half ball or ball set up, place your feet on the end of the board and your hands at the top of the board. This bucking bronco coordinates full hip and shoulder stability when on your hands and knees.

(1:44) Use one ball for multi-direction balance training. This is the most advanced exercise sequence you can do for full body. It's dynamic, realistic and functional training. Progress your exercises from balancing on half balls, then two balls and finally to one ball.

While on one ball simulate punching, complete squats and duck under your training partner to avoid getting hit. This helps strengthen your squat strength and stability.

Grab your partners forearms and simulate pulling and being pulled. Being able to stay upright will help in the ring when your opponent is trying to knock you off balance.

Lastly, grab your partners forearm with both hands and try to pull them of balance. Again add a squat to increase your body awareness and strength through this functional stance.

Hook Up Your Resistance Bands and Lets Kick Like Crazy

Balance Training For Fighters and Combat Sports

  • Tab 1
  • Tab 2
  • Tab 3
  • Tab 4
  • Tab 5

Xtreme Couture MMA Training

Video Transcript - Click Here

0:40) Hi, my name is Gil Guardado, Xtreme Couture head strength and conditioning coach, here to talk to you about Si Boards. Ever since we started using Si Boards in training our athletes and getting ready for our fights, we’ve noticed an improvement in shoulder stability, improvements in core stability. (1:36) We’ve noticed a decrease risk of injury when it comes to shoulder problems, back pain, hip issues. Our fighters have gotten stronger. They’ve gotten more stable. They’re hitting harder .


(2:48) The big thing that we do with the Si Boards is that we do a lot of pushup progressions and a lot of core stability. Using the boards, we put fighters in situations to where they have to really concentrate on stabilizing their midsection. Really drawing in the abdominals and stabilizing their lumbar spine while their arms in their legs are constantly moving very similar to situations they’re going to find themselves in a fight. Our push up progression series is one of the huge things that we implant with a lot of our fighters. We use a lot of push-ups in their training anyway so it becomes a very easy transition to take them from doing pushups on a stable surface like the ground and then transitioning them onto an unstable surface like the Si-Boards. Really trying to ramp up the intensity of their training using these boards

(4:19) From a personal standpoint, from when I use these boards in my own training and I’ve noticed a huge difference in my shoulder stability. I’ve had a lot of shoulder issues for years. I’ve got a lot less shoulder pain, a lot less back pain, because of the instability component that is involved with using the boards. I feel a lot stronger. I’m moving a little bit better. I feel a lot more stable in my entire body and not just my midsection. I think they’re a fantastic tool for anyone to throw into their training program if you want to really, really take your training up a notch.

(4:50) My name’s Ryan Couture. I fight for Bellator in the lightweight division. I’m 135 pounds, I’ve been training in MMA now for I think about eight or nine years and competing for six. Over that time I’ve done a lot of different strength workouts and had a number of different strength conditioning coaches and one thing that they all tend to commonly focus on is a lot of core stability and part of that is different push-up progressions and variations. I think my favorite one so far I’ve come across is the Si Board. I think it’s just a very, very different approach, a very versatile tool. We’ve been able to really up the difficulty and make a lot of progress in those progressions and core work, and also that push-up notion that I haven’t been able to accomplish with other tools that I’ve used.

(5:45) Hi, my name’s Bryce Harley. I train out of Xtreme Couture here in Las Vegas, Nevada under Gill Gaurdado and Randy Couture. I’ve been using Si Boards for about two years now, and it’s one of the greatest variations in my workouts that I’ve ever seen. In anything you want to do: holding planks, pushups, any kind of variation on just completely engaging your stabilizer muscles, your core, or if you just ever want to get the beach body. Even if you’re not a fighter, you don’t want to get in the cage and get beat up, just want a nice six pack, Si Boards are the way to go. People are going to see you at the beach and they’re going wonder you’re doing. They won’t even know what you’re doing. They’re going ask you, and you tell them, “Si Boards.” That’s all you have to say. I have a couple injures from wear and tear from my fighting, a couple spine issues, but with the Si Boards, it’s been engaging all of my stabilizer muscles in my back and is helping me strengthen my core. Really, it’s been helping out on easing my pain. You don’t have to push yourself too hard, but push yourself just enough. So a lot of times, if I really want to push myself when I’m doing push-ups, I’ll grab the Si Board, grab one of the balls, if I really want get wild, I’ll put my feet up on a box, and I just literally go until I have muscle failure. Sometimes I’m crawling out of the gym, sweats pouring, I have nothing left, my stabilizer muscles are shot, my arms are shot, and everything. This will push you to the max if you really want to take it to the next level, invest in one of these right here.

(7:22) Bryce Harley, number one fan and Xtreme Courture MMA, we wish all the luck. Big thanks to Gill, Ryan, and Bryce from Xtreme Couture MMA in Las Vegas. For more information, check us out at and jump into the next generation.

Johny Hendricks MMA Welterweight Champion

Video Transcript - Click Here

0:01) Johny Hendricks is training on his Si Board. He’s using the Turbo Original with a 5” Ball. Check out what he has to say about balance training and fighting.

(0:10) Hi, I’m Johny Hendricks. I’m up here at Oklahoma State doing some wrestling. I’m about to do a late night workout and get a good warm-up with my Si Board. It’s an easy workout, yet fun. Balance is always the number one key for fighting, and this definitely does it. I’m still bringing my traveling board to improve on balance. Wrestling and balance are one, so I think that’s a big thing. Also, it’s an easy core exercise, but fun.

(0:48) When Johny’s training at home he uses the Commando Board, 8.5” Ball and 6.5” Ball. For more information on Johny, check out Team Takedown (

MMA, Boxing and BJJ Balance Training in the Gym

Video Transcript - Click Here

Elysia Tsai, M.Ed., ATC and June Caponpon ATC take you through balance training and rehab exercises. As athletic trainers our job is to keep athletes healthy. These are a few moves we would use to help a combat sport athlete return from injury and get back in the ring.

Using a Si Boards balance board helps accelerate rehab progress by recruiting more muscle activation, increasing body awareness, better core control and realistic training. We are using the Freestyle Original, 8.5" half ball and 6.5" balls.

(0:16) Using a center placed half ball creates an equal weight distribution. This is a great general movement prep to get your balance. Add squats to warm up through your entire range of motion.

(0:26) To improve your balance as you step forward and punch, move the half ball to the front of the board to create weight distribution on the front leg. Simulate a strong first step and punch with balance. To advance this exercise, fine tune the coordination between both feet and keep the board off the ground.

(0:41) To improve your balance as you step backward and your body weight moves backward, move the half ball to the back of the board. This concentrates the weight distribution on the back leg.

(0:51)To advance these moves add bands to the board and get shoulder stability and strength.

(0:59) Take it more complex using a centered half ball and bands. Take your training partner's leg and simulate pulling him through the ring. I take June's leg and control it as I punch at him. Keep your hands in front of you to simulate protecting your face.

(1:06) In the reverse position stand on the board and have a training partner hold your leg. Maintain your balance and prevent getting pulled. Add a squat and duck from getting hit. Keep the bands in your hands to strengthen your shoulders and spinal stability at the same time.

(1:16) Next, maintain your balance and postural control as you take impact from being punched or kicked. Being on a balance board helps you coordinate all muscles at once so when you are doing it in the ring it becomes naturally easy.

(1:29) Next we add more specific upper body and core strengthening moves as you move around your opponent. Get into a push up position on the balance board and move laterally. Move in a circle and simulate being on top of an opponent quickly. Add push ups with each move.

(1:39) Stay in the push up position and rotate the left leg under your body and to the right side of your body. This spinal rotation helps strengthen your shoulders and spine stability.

Using a half ball or ball set up, place your feet on the end of the board and your hands at the top of the board. This bucking bronco coordinates full hip and shoulder stability when on your hands and knees.

(1:44) Use one ball for multi-direction balance training. This is the most advanced exercise sequence you can do for full body. It's dynamic, realistic and functional training. Progress your exercises from balancing on half balls, then two balls and finally to one ball.

While on one ball simulate punching, complete squats and duck under your training partner to avoid getting hit. This helps strengthen your squat strength and stability.

Grab your partners forearms and simulate pulling and being pulled. Being able to stay upright will help in the ring when your opponent is trying to knock you off balance.

Lastly, grab your partners forearm with both hands and try to pull them of balance. Again add a squat to increase your body awareness and strength through this functional stance.

Hook Up Your Resistance Bands and Lets Kick Like Crazy

Balance Training For Fighters and Combat Sports