Last week I challenged you to include 4 stances for balance training. If you can coordinate your lower body and don’t need a safety rail or spotter… then let’s add upper body movements to your program. The next progression is endurance strength training.
If you’re thinking…
My answer is yes and will always be yes!
Here’s why:
Have you ever had to carry a bag for a long time and eventually your back and neck were screaming at you? That is the fatigue of your spinal stabilizer muscles. Their job is to help maintain good posture and joint stability over time in contrast to powerful muscles. If these stabilizers are overpowered it can lead to injury and other dysfunctions.
This video demonstrates how carrying bags, vacuuming and even being pregnant can challenge your posture and balance.
This video demonstrates a squat position using 4 different trunk motions.
If it’s not your thing, don’t get hung up on learning the exact nature of the movement planes. Rather, well round your training program to include these key motions. Then tie everything together with a diagonal combo move.
Forward and Backward Bending:
Sagittal plane that divides the body into left and right halves. Motion in this plane is flexion/extension. Examples include: Bending over to tie shoes, reaching upward to grab a box from a shelf or two handed overhead throwing.
Side Bending:
Frontal plane that divides the body into the front and back sides. Motion in this plane is abduction/adduction. Examples include: Holding your child on your hip, carrying a backpack on one shoulder or jumping jacks.
Transverse plane that divides the body into top and bottom portions. Motion in the plane is internal/external rotation. Examples include: Washing dishes and moving them between sinks, transferring groceries from the cart to the car trunk or a baseball swing.
Oblique plane that combines more than one motion. Examples include: Using a one hand reach overhead, bending down and pulling a plug out of a wall or golf club swing
In the video I use a Si Boards 6.5″ Medium ball that weighs 5.5 lbs. Holding the weight away from my body help pull me toward the ball. My muscles on the opposite side from the ball engage to keep me upright and balanced. The heavier the ball and further away from you, the greater the challenge.
You will love training muscular endurance by holding your position for 15 to 30 seconds at a time. It’s a different burning sensation than repetitions of ten. And it’s cheat proof! You can either hold the position or you can’t. With repetition motion it’s easy to complete a rep with poor form.
First build your with endurance, stabilize your spine and reduce the potential for injury.
The Ultimate Fitness Board, 6.5″ Half balls and 6.5″ Medium ball are used in this video.
Stay tuned for next week when I add full body motion!
Train With Me Complex Moves - Combine It All - Train With Me
Train With Me Balance Training On Two Feet Simulates Daily Living Activity
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