2015 came to a close with lots of updates and fantastic opportunities. I am so proud to work with dedicated vendors to create everlasting products for you. As we head into 2016 I look forward to creating more educational content and value added services to meet your needs.
We will have our first ever price increase of our products to account for increased manufacturing costs. We want to give you the opportunity to lock in your 2007 prices until February 1, 2016. Please see our story below.
I love seeing the social media posts from our balance board maniacs and unbreakable ball slammers.
It is inspiring to watch your transformation from the first shaky ride to smooth board control and finally to complex training. Absolutely fantastic!
Keep up the posts because you are inspiring us all!
The fall and winter are here and it's a great time to stay in shape on your Si Board. We have lots to share and keep you motivated!
Read about the exclusive designed Onnit board for their "unconventional" athletes.
Everyday at Si Boards is a blast and I am so proud to keep on riding! See our updated videos and daily challenge.
I can't believe a year passed by since my last update. It's time for me to pop back up and let you know about all the amazing events and successes this past year.
Juggling both a manufacturing and retail company is a challenge. I just keep on pushing through with the help of absolutely wonderful suppliers, business mentors, friends, family and supportive Si Board Maniacs. Big thanks to everybody!
Looking forward to staying in touch.
I’ve used this Herringbone pattern taping technique on several types of injuries including an x-ray confirmed midfoot sprain, a swimmer with excessive foot motion and a runner putting in high mileage.
It is especially effective for complex bony structures that support the body in full weight bearing. The foot is a great example as it is made from 7 tarsal bones, 5 metacarpal bones and 14 phalanges- that’s 26 bones connected and stabilized as you walk, run and jump.
Fascial tissue is the strong and pliable connective tissue covering the muscles and bones and helps suspend the organs. Myofascia surrounding the muscle bundles together to create the tendons of the muscle. It is responsible for tissue gliding and fluid, ion, oxygen and toxin exchange. When this tissue becomes dehydrated and dense, it constricts the muscles.
Think of a plastic bag to store food. When the bag is simply sealed with some air in it, you can still move the food around and shape the bag. If you vacuum sealed the bag and deprive it of any oxygen and air space, the food inside becomes dense and hard to move. Tight fascia is like vacuum sealing your muscles.
Fascia is connected throughout the body in a dense network and spans over multi-joint structures. Tight and restricted neck fascia can cause pain down to the hand. This domino effect causing referred pain to other areas of the body can cause confusion in properly assessing and treating injury.
The fascia wants to be the superhighway of your body with all lanes open and free from traffic jams. One way to keep your body in great working order is to address fascial dysfunctions. There are several types of myofascial release techniques either done by the self or a practitioner.
Have you had the unfortunate experience of breaking your medicine ball right in the middle of a great workout? How many medicine balls have your purchased over time? If you have replaced your medicine ball more than once then ask yourself…
How valuable is my time? What’s the cost of my frustration?